2019 | 2020
Pintomeira, owner of a multifaceted career, presents here some works of his 17th theme, denominated Cutouts II. In this new series he seems to have abandoned the figurative representation that accompanied him for, almost, 50 years (Surrealism 1972 – Moving Figures 2018).
The illusion of three-dimensional space and the drawing of human figures, objects or even representations of nature,
are no longer used as a language of imagery expression or as a plastic narrative of communication. Based on this abandonment of the figuration, may we think, or even to conclude, that the artist entered an abstractionist phase? Not, really. Here, the abstraction is not entire neither categorical. Having already beeing used in previous works, we can identify, in this new theme, representations of some geometric shapes. In its formal composition, the author uses circles, rectangles, lines and others. Neither can we consider it an entirely geometric abstractionism, once the shapes and colors are not organized in a way that we could identify a pure geometric concept, as in Pie Mondrian or Kasimir Maliévitch. For those who are familiar with the last works of Pintomeira (Madonna Faces of the Renaissance 2016-1017 and New Faces 2015), and have carefully observed them, won't be too surprised by this abandonment of the representation of the figurative. Once we eliminate the figuration (faces) the abstract is there, in the background.
In this new theme he uses mixed media and collage. In the making of this CUTOUTS II are used textiles of diverse patterns, previously cut by scissors and later glued on a textured acrylic background (cut and glue).

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 80x80cm | 2022

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 80x80cm | 2022

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 130x130x4cm | 2019

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 145x165x4cm | 2019

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 145x165x4cm | 2019

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 145x165x4cm | 2020

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 100x90x4cm | 2019 | Private Collection

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 100x90x4cm | 2019 | Public Collection

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 80x80x4cm | 2019

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 145x165x4cm | 2019

CUTOUTS II | mixed media on canvas | 80x80x4cm | 2020 | Private Collection